Young anti-Brexit and Labour activist NATHAN BORODA on his expectations for next week’s Labour conference.
More than 70% of young people voted to Remain in the EU in 2016, and at least 80% of those enfranchised since, like me, would vote to Remain if given the chance. It is undoubtedly true that for those who will have to live with the consequences of Brexit for the longest that there is no question over whether they want to stay in the EU. We know we want a future that is open, tolerant, and democratic. A better future that different countries and people work together to achieve, and nothing risks that opportunity more than Brexit.
Last year at Labour conference, in the charge led by young activists, Labour finally shifted it’s position in favour of a People’s Vote. It was a huge win for democracy, and for so many young people desperate for their party to stand up for them. A year on, and the worry felt by so many young Labour members about what Brexit will mean for their future has only gotten worse.
This year at Labour conference, activists from youth groups like For our Future’s Sake (FFS) will be asking Labour to take their policy one step further. We want Labour to pledge to campaign to remain in the People’s Vote they have promised.
It’s why FFS have launched their app “Together Against Brexit” for the second time, after it was downloaded and used by thousands of people last to successfully help to shift Labour’s position towards a People’s Vote last year.
Now more than ever, we can see Brexit for the destructive Tory project that it is – the referendum happened solely to settle woes in their party, the 2017 election was called to give them a majority to carry it out. Neither achieved their goals. For three years now our country has suffered – our NHS, schools and the environment in crisis whilst the Tories have preoccupied themselves with Brexit.
Labour cannot be in favour of that crisis, in any form, continuing. It goes against everything we stand for. This is why I and so many others want Jeremy Corbyn to join us and campaign for Remain in a People’s Vote.
It has never been clearer that there is no such thing as a good Brexit and that the best deal we could have with the EU is if we stayed in it. Jeremy Corbyn should not pretend otherwise and many Labour members and voters will feel let down if he stays neutral.
This conference, I and other activists from For our Future’s Sake will campaign for our party to change its mind – if Labour are going to continue to be the party of young people, we must pledge campaign to remain in a People’s Vote.