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Poll: Labour risks falling behind the Lib Dems if it pushes through Brexit

Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn. Photograph: Owen Humphreys/PA Wire - Credit: PA

A new poll has found that voters will desert the Labour Party if it pushes through Brexit.

A YouGov poll, commissioned by the People’s Vote campaign, has found that support for Jeremy Corbyn’s party could fall from 36% to 22% if they help the Tories pass a Brexit deal like the one that Theresa May has been trying to advocate.

In those circumstances support for the Liberal Democrats would rise from 10% to 26% – the largest poll rating witnessed since the 2010 election which allowed for a coalition government with the Conservatives.

The polling indicates that Labour supporters want a second referendum by a margain of almost three to one, with even greater numbers planning to back remaining in the EU if a vote was held.

MORE: PETER KELLNER: The case for a second poll grows by the dayA seperate poll by Opinium Research found that despite Theresa May’s tough political week, it has increased her standing with voters.Nearly half of electors, 47%, view the prime minister as someone who is brave and sticks to her principles.MORE: Subscribe to The New European for 26 weeks at just £30 – save £75!

The Tories also cut the Labour lead to one point as the party climbed two points to stand at 38%, while Labour stayed steady on 39%.

That is despite the prime minister drawing fire for pulling a crunch Commons vote on her Brexit plans, surviving a confidence motion bid to oust her among Tory MPs, and being largely rebuffed at an EU summit in Brussels.

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