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Labour warns giant post-Brexit ‘lorry park’ would be devastating for UK business

Labour Brexit spokeswoman Rachel Reeves during her visit to the site in Ashford, Kent; Michael Drummond/PA Wire - Credit: PA

Labour has warned that UK business would be devastated if Downing Street went ahead with plans to build a large ‘larry park’ near Dover port.

Labour’s Brexit spokesperson Rachel Reeves said the creation of a vast ’emergency lorry park’ in Kent to hold up to 10,000 vehicles waiting to travel to Europe would be ‘bad news for British businesses who have already gone through a terrible time’.

The shadow chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster said the country is ‘staring down the barrel of Brexit’ with just five months left until the end of the transition period.

Reeves spoke to reporters outside a 27-acre site near Ashford which was recently acquired by the government.

There have been fears that the land will be used as an ’emergency lorry park’ for thousands of vehicles waiting to travel to continental Europe, as well as border-related checks.

Construction work is already under way at the site which lies next to the busy M20, a key route used by lorries heading to and from the Port of Dover and Europe.

Reeves said on Thursday: ‘The government said this was going to be the easiest ever trade deal ever to negotiate.

‘We’re four years later (after the referendum) and we still don’t have a trade deal.

‘The prime minister said just a couple of months ago that a trade deal would be secured by the end of July.

‘Well we are now at the end of July, we don’t have a trade deal, all we have is a blueprint for a giant lorry park in the middle of Kent.

‘So this is very different from what we were promised as recently as the general election in December last year.’

She warned that businesses were headed for ‘serious frictions with our trade with our nearest neighbours’.

She added: ‘It is bad news for the British businesses who have already gone through a terrible time in the last few months.’

A local resident told Reeves the she and other living in the area were given no warning about the plans.

‘We weren’t told anything. It was sneaky,’ she said.

‘First we knew was the sign that went up a few weeks ago saying the footpath had been closed.’

She said she is worried about the pollution the ‘concrete monstrosity’ will cause and the loss of another piece of countryside forever.

Richard Lavender, president of Kent Invicta Chamber of Commerce, said that, from a business perspective, it has ‘got to be’ in that location because of the proximity to the motorway and junction 10A.

He added: ‘Somewhere we need three or four of these throughout Kent.

‘The problem being that our infrastructure just closes down if there’s a fishermen’s strike in Calais, no cross-Channel ferries and things like that and we come to a grinding halt in this county every single time, therefore businesses get on to me saying ‘solve it, solve the problem and get these lorries off the road’.’

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