A caller to a radio show called for Boris Johnson to break the law over Brexit and even said he’d go to jail with him.
Nicholas from Scotland, calling Tom Swarbrick’s LBC show, said the prime minister gets a lot of “stick” and should just break the law to make Brexit happen.
He said: “I just hope Boris breaks the law, I really do, before the 31st. I would go to jail with him. I really would.”
Swarbrick asked: “You’d share a cell with Boris Johnson?”
“Yep. Because I think 17.4 million people – and I think a lot of people would support that,” said Nicholas. “We’ve got enough problems in Scotland. None of our votes count any more. And I’m sitting watching this, I was watching parliament, and I’m going: ‘my god, that guy has had so much stick’. Just do what the people voted for. I would go into a cell with him, yes.”
Nicholas added that “I’ve never broken the law in my life”.
“How did you get to that level of devotion?” wondered Swarbrick, and later asked whether Nicholas believed Boris Johnson is really on his side.
“It’d be either Nigel Farage or Boris Johnson,” responded the caller.
Swarbrick said: “But the thing is, Nicholas, the thing that shows that the politically expedient thing to do was to promise that deadline because it made him sound like the Brexit hard man, but the reality was it was never in his control. He knew that. It was never a deadline that he knew that he could have total control over. He was playing with you.”
But Nicholas was not to be deterred. “How many times do you have to be promised – ‘we’re leaving March 29, we’re leaving July’,” he said.
“Boris Johnson has said it and they keep saying ‘oh you’re going to break the law’. Well, break the law. Break the law and I will support him.”