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New Led By Donkeys billboards promotes the coronavirus graph Boris Johnson didn’t want people to see

Anti-Brexit campaigners Led By Doneys have released their latest video which shows the UK's coronavirus death count compared with other countries. - Credit: Archant

Political campaigners Led by Donkeys have created a new billboard comparing the UK’s number of coronavirus deaths with the rest of the world after Downing Street stopped showing the charts in daily press briefings.

The group released a video showing the chart on a billboard which is on display in Westminster.

The 20-second clip, posted to Twitter, shows the chart then pans out to display a second billboard with the slogan ‘Stay Alert. Government Incompetence. Costs Lives.’

The diagram shows the UK has the worst death count in Europe and second highest in the world.

The government has abandoned publishing the chart in daily coronavirus press briefings arguing that global comparisons were no longer useful.

They argued that other countries counted coronavirus death differently and added any such comparison would only be useful once all nations had finished compiling their excess death tolls.

But Labour leader Sir Keir Starmer challenged Boris Johnson over removing the slide during a session of Prime Minister’s Questions.

‘The government has stopped releasing its global death comparison slide (wonder why?) so we’ve published it for them – on an 18sq/m billboard on Westminster Bridge Rd. Unlike @BorisJohnson, we’ll be updating it over the coming weeks’, the troop wrote on twitter to accompany the footage.

The stunt gathered praise on Twitter. Angela wrote: ‘Thanks @ByDonkeys! We need and deserve to know the truth’.

Saadia said: ‘Brilliant. Don’t ever stop’.

@NON2Brexit tweeted: ‘They [The government] need to be reminded of their absolute, unchallenged incompetence from time to time by the excellent #LedByDonkeys’.

Led By Donkeys made their name with a series of anti-Brexit political stunts. They are most famous for posting satire targeted at pro-Brexit politicians on billboards.

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