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Nandy: May’s concession to Labour is still not enough

Labour's Lisa Nandy. Photograph: Gareth Fuller/PA. - Credit: PA Archive/PA Images

Despite Theresa May appearing to give concessions to Labour over workers’ rights after Brexit, Lisa Nandy, one of the signatories of an amendment on the issue, has said she will still not back the deal.

Nandy told BBC Radio 4’s World at One: ‘The amendment that we’ve tabled, even though it represents progress, isn’t sufficient to give me or many other Labour MPs confidence that this will lead to the sort of close relationship economically with the EU that we need to protect jobs in our constituencies.’

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She added: ‘I’ve been saying for five months now that I would be prepared to vote for the Withdrawal Agreement, but Theresa May needs to get in touch with Labour on our frontbenches and backbenches, and start having this dialogue about what we need to have the confidence to vote for it.

‘Until now, she’s only been prepared to talk to her party and particularly the right of her party.

‘Until she starts to tilt back to the centre and have those conversations with the majority of parliament who don’t support no deal and don’t support a hard Brexit, she’s not going to get this Withdrawal Agreement through.

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‘That’s the importance of what happened this week. Finally there seems to be a recognition from the Conservative leadership that they are going to have to do that.’

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