As an EU national who has resided in UK for the past eight years, I will be using the ballot box in May to articulate my discontent with Brexit.
Although local elections concern local matters, as an EU national I only have the local elections at my disposal to signal my disagreement with the Conservative government.
I will therefore be voting Liberal Democrat because they are the only party who care about me, my family and three million other EU citizens in Britain.
Labour and Conservative, also known as the leftist-loonies and toxic-Tories, will undoubtedly face the brunt in May’s local elections for abandoning, scapegoating and dehumanising us. Hopefully, this will teach them the following lesson: the three million are a force to be reckoned with.
Muhammed Hussain, Sutton
In the May local elections the best result for the Remain campaign would be a good result for the Liberal Democrats. This presents an opportunity, and challenge, to Remain supporters to vote Liberal Democrat, wherever there is a strong candidate.
These people may never have considered voting for the party previously but if Remainers were to lend the Liberal Democrats their vote on this occasion and persuade their friends, colleagues, and neighbours to do the same this may be an effective wake-up call to other party leaders.
Bill Bradshaw, House of Lords
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