A former Australian prime minister has warned the UK against leaving the European Union on an ‘Australian-style’ Brexit agreement.
Malcolm Turnbull warned Boris Johnson to “be careful what you wish for”, warning the results would be “pretty disappointing”.
He told BBC Question Time: “It’ll be pretty disappointing, I think you’ll find out.
“We obviously are dealing with WTO terms. And there are really some very large barriers to Australian trade with Europe which we’re seeking to address as we negotiate a free trade agreement with Europe
“But Australians would not regard our trade relationship with Europe as being a satisfactory one.
“There are very big barriers to Australian exports of agricultural products in particular, there’s a lot of friction in the system in terms of services, there’s a lot to aim for.
“So, you know, be careful what you wish for. Australia’s relationship with the EU is not one from a trade point of view that I think Britain would want, frankly,” he added.
“That Australia-style deal not so great after all, eh?” comments Mirror journalist Pippa Crerar.
“A late but welcome dose of reality injected into the Brexit debate. Deflates the ‘Australia-style’ nonsense Boris Johnson witters about when it comes to our post-Brexit relationship with the EU,” said Edwin Hayward.
But a Brexiteer viewer simply responded: “A liberal sh*thead”.