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Either Boris Johnson or Jeremy Hunt to be PM as Michael Gove dropped from Tory leadership race

Michael Gove, pictured here in 2018, is out of the Tory leadership race. Picture: TOLGA AKMEN/AFP/Getty Images) - Credit: AFP/Getty Images

The latest Tory leadership candidate to leave the contest is Michael Gove after taking the fewest votes from MPs.

He received 75 votes and leaves Boris Johnson and Jeremy Hunt as the final two MPs vying to be chosen as the Conservative Party leader and the country’s next prime minister.

While Johnson increased his vote share by three to 160, while Hunt picked up 18 new votes from the last round to get 77.

Earlier, Sajid Javid was eliminated from the race after receiving the fewest votes.

READ: Sajid Javid dropped from Tory leadership race while Boris Johnson increases his lead

There was one rejected ballot paper out of 313 MPs’ votes in the latest vote.

Eyebrows were raised after two ballot papers in the last vote were spoilt for the first time in the leadership race, prompting speculation from MPs such as the ever-colourful Mark Francois.

READ: MPs hunt for the two ‘numpties’ who spoilt their leadership race ballots

Assuming Jeremy Hunt does not drop out and leave Johnson to enter No.10 unchallenged, hustings with the party’s membership for a final vote will begin imminently.

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