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‘Angry Santa’ trolls Gove with ‘Bollocks to Brexit’ stickers

Michael Gove is followed by Father Christmas on Sky News. Photograph: Sky. - Credit: Archant

Michael Gove has been trolled by anti-Brexit protesters as he headed to speak to the media.

The environment secretary was on College Green to speak to BBC News and Sky News ahead of a vote on the prime minister’s future.

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As he made his way through the crowds to reach the broadcasters’ tents, he was followed by an ‘angry Santa’, who called him an ‘elitist toad’.

Santa left his mark on the minister – by leaving ‘I am an EU citizen’ and ‘Bollocks to Brexit’ stickers on his back as he headed to talk on camera.

Also in the crowd were those holding magical unicorns as a vivid reference to the Brexiteers’ visions for Britain, and the ‘stop Brexit’ protester Steve Bray, who had been moved to the outside of College Green.

In interviews Gove said the confidence vote was regretful but believed Theresa May would win ‘handsomely’.

‘I think the prime minister will win tonight and she will win handsomely. I regret that a leadership contest has been triggered, but I respect my colleagues,’ he said.

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‘I know that everyone’s made their decision after careful thought.

‘The one thing I would ask every Conservative MP to do is to ponder before they cast their vote this evening: If we don’t support the prime minister, then we risk derailing or diluting Brexit.

‘If we do support the prime minister we can honour the mandate that the British people have given us.’

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