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More than four in 10 people say Brexit is impacting their mental health

Anti-Brexit signs outside the Houses of Parliament. Photograph: Dominic Lipinski/PA. - Credit: PA Wire/PA Images

More than four in 10 people say that Brexit has impacted on their mental health in the past two years, according to a new poll.

And nearly two thirds of voters, 62%, said that the on-going EU withdrawal situation was making them feel unhappy, a YouGov survey for 5 News found.

Brexit has had a large direct impact on the mental health of 11% of people, and a small impact on the mental health of 32%.

The survey found that 10% of voters were feeling happy about Brexit, while 19% said it made no difference to how they feel.

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EU withdrawal will generally worsen people’s lives according to 44% of respondents, while 24% said it would generally improve lives, and 15% thought it would make no difference.

Asked if life is generally better or worse now because of how Brexit is happening, 3% said it was generally better, 32% said it was generally worse, and 52% said it made no difference.

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