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61% think MPs should get final say on Brexit deal, poll finds

More than 60% of Britons believe MPs should be given the final say on the overall Brexit deal, according to a poll.

The BMG Research survey found 61% think MPs should give their verdict, while 58% believe there should be a vote on the so-called divorce bill.

The government faces a potential revolt over a Tory backbench bid to rewrite the European Union (Withdrawal) Bill to ensure MPs are given a meaningful vote on the outcome of the Brexit talks.

Former attorney general Dominic Grieve could attract enough support to defeat the government in a vote on his rebel amendment in the Commons on Wednesday.

The survey, for the Left Foot Forward website, found 84% of Britons believed Brexit talks were going badly – although the poll was partly carried out before Theresa May’s breakthrough on the divorce issues.

Labour MP Chuka Umunna, of the pro-EU Open Britain campaign, said: “It is perfectly understandable that the British people believe the Brexit talks are going badly.

“The chance of us ending up with a good deal out of this whole process is diminishing by the day, as ministers begin to backtrack on the deal Theresa May thought she had done just last week.

“Given this sorry state of affairs, our elected representatives in Parliament must be given a proper, meaningful vote over whatever agreement the Government comes back with.

“MPs mustn’t be fobbed off with a symbolic vote or just a choice between two awful outcomes.”

BMG interviewed a representative sample of 1,509 adults living in Great Britain between December 5 and 8. Data were weighted.

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