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MPs call for Boris Johnson to recall parliament

Prime minister Boris Johnson. Photograph: John Stillwell/PA. - Credit: PA Wire/Press Association Images

Boris Johnson has been urged by more than 100 MPs from across the House of Commons to immediately recall parliament and let it sit permanently until Britain’s scheduled EU departure on October 31.

Tory former ministers Dominic Grieve and Guto Bebb were among the signatories of a letter sent to the prime minister which claims a “creeping and disturbing populism” is taking over his discourse with the EU.

The Westminster leaders of the SNP, Liberal Democrats, Plaid Cymru, Change UK, and the Green Party’s Caroline Lucas also backed the call, along with several Labour MPs.

They wrote: “Since the Second World War, Parliament has been recalled multiple times in every decade for a wide range of political, security and economic reasons…

“Our country is on the brink of an economic crisis, as we career towards a no-deal Brexit which will have an immediate effect on food and medical supplies, damage our economy, jobs, the public finances, public services, universities and long-term economic security.

“A no-deal Brexit also threatens our crucial security co-operation to keep our country safe from criminals and terrorists.”

They added: “We face a national emergency, and parliament must be recalled now in August and sit permanently until 31 October, so that the voices of the people can be heard, and that there can be proper scrutiny of your government.

“A true democrat should not fear such scrutiny. The question is whether you are one.”

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