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MPs vote to take control of the order paper to stop a no-deal Brexit

Brexit protesters in Westminster. Photograph: Victoria Jones/PA Wire. - Credit: PA

MPs have voted to take control of the order paper to potentially stop a no-deal Brexit after scores of Tories voted with the opposition.

MPs voted by 328 votes to 301 to take back control of the order paper in a move that looks set to see a no-deal Brexit blocked again and the prime minister having to call a general election.

Earlier in the evening Jacob Rees-Mogg, leader of the House of Commons, claimed the move was “constitutionally irregular” which risked “subverting parliament’s proper role in scrutinising the executive”.

He accused Oliver Letwin, who tabled the bill, of “stunning arrogance” and likened supporters of the bill to the “illuminati who are taking the powers to themselves”.

He also appeared to raise questions about speaker John Bercow’s decision to allow the votable motion

But his comments failed to win over rebels within his own party, who risk deselection from the party, with the likes of Winston Churchill’s grandson Sir Nicholas Soames indicating he would vote against.

He said: “I will be voting against the government tonight with a very heavy heart. I don’t doubt Boris wants to get a deal, but I do not believe he has the means to will the end. His demands are unreal and I cannot condone No Deal.”

MORE: Tory MP delivers parting shot at Dominic Cummings as he announces he will step down

MORE: MPs chastise Jacob Rees-Mogg for showing ‘contempt for parliament’ by not sitting up

MORE: How your MP voted in the emergency debate to take control of the order paper

In an impassioned speech Tory MP Antoinette Sandbach, said: “I have voted three times for the withdrawal agreement. Three times I have seen members of my party vote that agreement down. The leader of the House has rebelled against the Conservative-led government more than a hundred times and he has been rewarded with a place on the front bench, and yet [David Gauke] – who has never voted against the government – is going to be expelled from the party. What times we live in. I will be voting for this motion.”

Defending his decision to bring the bill for debate, John Bercow said: “I have sought to exercise my judgment in discharging my responsibility to facilitate the House of Commons, to facilitate the legislature. I have done it, I am doing it and I will do it to the best of my ability without fear or favour – to coin a phrase, come what may, do or die.”

Tory Brexiteers including Peter Bone have already called on the government to ignore the vote.

Best for Britain’s Naomi Smith said Boris Johnson had lost his mandate.

“In the space of 12 hours, Boris Johnson has managed to lose a pivotal Brexit vote, his Commons majority, and any faint vestige of parliamentary authority.

“His mandate was already questionable and now his hopes of delivering a chaotic No Deal Brexit are heading down the pan.

“He has managed to become an utterly disastrous prime minister, a ruinous party leader and an international laughing stock in an impressively short space of time – it is time to end both his premiership, and the madness of his Brexit plans.”

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