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Majority of voters in Brexiteers’ constituencies would now vote Remain

Tens of thousands demonstrated in a 'March For Europe' event. Photograph: SIPA USA/PA Images. - Credit: SIPA USA/PA Images

Voters in the constituencies of Jacob Rees-Mogg, Theresa May and Michael Gove now back Remain according to new polling.

In-depth research, carried out by Populous and commissioned by Best for Britain and Hope Not Hate, has found a majority of English constituencies support Remain for the very first time.

According to the latest polling 522 of the 632 constituencies in Britain now support Remain – up from 229 in the 2016 EU referendum.

The polling of more than 8,000 people also found 56% of people across Britain would vote to retain EU membership, and two-thirds (66%) want a People’s Vote.

All seats in Scotland back Remain, with all but one seat in Wales backing staying in the European Union.

In Jacob Rees-Mogg’s constituencies in North East Somerset 53.8% now back Remain – up from 47.9% in June 2016.

MORE: ‘Don’t blame us – it’s not Brexit!’ says Brexiteer

In the prime minister’s constituency of Maidenhead Remain has swung from 54.6% to 58.9% despite their local MP securing support from the EU for a Brexit deal.

Almost every cabinet member now represents a Remain constituency – with the seats of cabinet members Michael Gove and Amber Rudd now switching away from Leave.

Best for Britain chief Eloise Todd said: ‘The country is shifting in one direction. The PM is trying to strongarm MPs into backing the slim pickings of her deal. Our research shows people across the nation have decided we are better off with what we currently have.’

MORE: Peston: ‘For the first time it feels like Brexit will be stopped’

Hope Not Hate’s Nick Lowles, said: ‘The reality of Brexit is becoming clear. MPs must do what’s best for their constituents – implementing Brexit is not that.’

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