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Sturgeon to state case for Scotland to remain in the EU

First Minister Nicola Sturgeon at the launch of the SNP's European manifesto in Glasgow. Photograph: Andrew Milligan/PA. - Credit: PA Wire/PA Images

Nicola Sturgeon will state the case for Scotland’s continued membership of the European Union on a visit to Brussels.

The first minister will address these issues in a speech at the European Policy Centre in the Belgian capital.

She will also hold meetings with EU president Jean-Claude Juncker and the EU’s chief Brexit negotiator, Michel Barnier.

Her visit comes just weeks after the European elections – where the SNP increased its share of the vote and won three of the six spots for Scottish MEPs.

Sturgeon said: “People living in Scotland have shown once again that they comprehensively reject Brexit and want to remain as a European nation.

“Membership of the EU not only has huge economic benefits for Scotland, but is the basis of the core values we share around democracy, equality, co-operation and human rights.

“My engagements in Brussels are an opportunity to outline the Scottish government’s support for those values and how they contribute to a better Scotland, Europe and wider world.

“On issues such as climate change and tackling inequality we can all work together to ensure the wellbeing of our citizens, as well as the wealth of member states.”

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