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‘Have you got more than 150 people yet?’ – Nigel Farage asked for a march update from Brussels

Nigel Farage asked for a march update from Brussels. Photograph: BBC. - Credit: Archant

Nigel Farage has been asked for an update on how his pro-Brexit march as he spoke on television from Brussels.

Nigel Farage (right) at Easington Colliery during The March to Leave protest which set off from Sunderland. Photograph: Owen Humphreys/PA. – Credit: PA Wire/PA Images

The Brexiteer, who turned out for approximately an hour for the start of the march in Sunderland, has not returned to the protest since it started.

The March to Leave was mocked as a damp squib when fewer than 350 people signed up to join Farage, and the former UKIP leader admitted he was not marching all of the way to London.

On the sixth day of the march Farage was interviewed in a warm and dry studio in Brussels on the BBC’s Politics Live programme when the Brexiteer was asked how the protest was going by the Independent Group MP Anna Soubry.

‘Oh very well indeed,’ claimed Farage.

‘Have you got more than 150 people yet?’ responded a sceptical Soubry. ‘How many people have you employed to go on your march?’ she continued.

Nigel Farage ignored the questioning and instead claimed Soubry was working for New Labour.

MORE: ‘Don’t compare it to the People’s Vote march’, plead Brexit protest organisers

‘By the way, Anna Soubry you’re the one that said you respected the result of the referendum and that we are leaving, and now you’ve changed your mind.’

She hit back: ‘I do, that’s why I triggered Article 50, it’s funny how you don’t listen.’

Responding to accusations she was speaking for the People’s Vote campaign, she continued: ‘I speak for me, I speak for my constituents, you don’t because you keep failing to get elected into parliament. You are the ultimate member of the political elite. So let’s have less of your nonsense.’

A rattled Farage, however, continued to shout down the microphone unrelated points.

‘New Labour, new lies, Alastair Campbell, well done. You should have been New Labour from the very start!’

A crowdfunder has been started to refund the £50 charge that the ’40-odd’ people still marching paid to participate in the Leave Means Leave event.

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