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Farage reduced to soundbites after simple question about his plan… 900 days after vote

Nigel Farage appears on Channel 4 News. Photograph: Channel 4. - Credit: Archant

Nigel Farage has been blasted by Remainer Alastair Campbell for failing to produce a plan on Brexit more than 900 days after the vote.

Farage, one of the leading pro-Brexit voices during the EU referendum campaign and a former leader of UKIP, has been critical of all proposals put forward by the government as well as options from Remainers.

He was touring the television studios to stick the knife into Theresa May for being the ‘worst prime minister ever’ and to continue to criticise her Brexit plan.

In one particular debate he appeared on Channel 4 News alongside Jon Snow and this newspaper’s editor-at-large Alastair Campbell.

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As Farage was given air time to criticise Theresa May, Campbell was quick to point out that as yet Farage has not yet penned his own plan.

He said: ‘You and your people fought for this Brexit for years and years and years but you did not have a plan.

‘You have to come up with a credible, deliverable Brexit plan to put up against Remain and you don’t have one, Nigel, that’s your problem!’

This triggered Farage to shout soundbites like ‘Brexit is Brexit!’ and ‘we voted to leave!’ before he insisted he has had a plan for 25 years and it involved a ‘free trade agreement’.

But Campbell continued to tell Farage: ‘It’s 903 days since the referendum, we’ve had an election since then, we’ve got a Conservative party in turmoil and you still not have been able to put forward a plan that on paper we can all read and say that’s how Brexit would work.

‘You haven’t done it, Nigel.’

MORE: ‘You couldn’t even agree on the main promise!’ – Farage and Leavers ridiculed by TV host

Campbell said that Theresa May was unlikely to adopt his view, but if he wrote a draft treaty he could push for it through a People’s Vote, so therefore he should get on board with a second referendum.

Farage said that if a People’s Vote was held Leave would win again ‘by a bigger margin’ but the Brexiteer argued the result would be ignored so he won’t support it.

He added: ‘A lot of people out there are so disgusted by this whole process.

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‘So disgusted by our political class that they would vote to get out, I think, in much bigger numbers.’

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