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Farage stuns listeners with rare praise for the ‘clever negotiators’ at the EU

Nigel Farage on his LBC Radio programme. Photograph: LBC/Global. - Credit: Archant

Brexiteer Nigel Farage stunned listeners of his radio programme by praising the European Union negotiators for being ‘really clever’.

Despite the pair being on rival sides, the Brexit Party leader praised Michel Barnier as he took questions from his listeners on the Brexit extension.

A Brexiteer caller, who called herself Anne, complained that the UK was being “stitched up by the EU”.

She said: “Who chose the 31 October if they’re all on holiday or sitting around chatting?”

Farage smirked as he said it was “genius” from the EU side.

“Aren’t they good?”

He then went on to heap praise on the negotiators involved in the talks.

“The last time I saw Barnier, he was in the coffee room. He is always very polite.

“I said, Michel, I wish you were on our side. He’s a really clever negotiator.”

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