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Deluded Farage believes that the EU is ‘scared’ of Britain

MEP Nigel Farage and Jean-Claude Juncker in the European Parliament - Credit: Archant

A deluded Nigel Farage has told the European Parliament in Brussels that the European Union now fears Britain.

Farage made the claim while accusing the EU of ‘weaponising’ the Irish border to ‘ensure the United Kingdom stays with the European regulatory framework.’

He said: ‘The one thing Barnier has been scared of from the start is us leaving and us becoming competitive.

‘Sadly the British Prime Minister has fallen hook line and sinker for this and we find ourselves now going into this next summit in a very weak position.’

Calling for a free trade deal with Europe the former UKIP leader also claimed that Britain was ‘treasure island’.

‘There is of course a better approach to all of this that would satisfy the Brexit vote and I think the demands of German industry and exporters.

‘Don’t forget what an important market place we are, your exporters call us Treasure Island.’

In his true disrespectful style, Farage also said that EU chief Donald Tusk was ‘arrogant, low grade, and pretty vulgar in every respect’ when he spoke about prime minister May in Salzburg.

He also waded into the row over the British foreign secretary’s comparison between the European Union and the Soviet Union.

Farage said he took the credit for this, and said he was pleased to see the comparison in mainstream politics.

Shortly after the speaker to rebuke Farage, saying that the European Union was nothing like the Soviet Union. He said it had caused millions of deaths before it was disbanded in 1991.

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