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‘No deal means no UK’ – Young anti-Brexit campaigners in warning to Tories

Young activists from Our Future, Our Choice hold a protest outside the Scottish Conservatives HQ. Photograph: Jane Barlow/PA Wire. - Credit: PA

Young activists have gathered outside the Scottish Tory headquarters in Edinburgh to warn against the threat of a no-deal Brexit to the UK.

Young activists from Our Future, Our Choice hold a protest outside the Scottish Conservatives HQ. Photograph: Jane Barlow/PA Wire. – Credit: PA

The demonstrators from anti-Brexit campaign group Our Future, Our Choice wore masks of Brexiteers including prime minister Boris Johnson, Michael Gove, Jacob Rees-Mogg and Nigel Farage, and unfurled a banner that read: “No Deal = No UK”.

The group said leaving the EU without a deal in place would risk the future of the UK, with a Lord Ashcroft poll last week indicating a swing in favour of Scottish independence.

Harry McNeill, Our Future, Our Choice Scotland director told PA: “While Ruth Davidson has paid lip service to rejecting a no-deal Brexit, the reality is that she and the rest of the Scottish Conservatives have done very little in practice to change party policy on the issue.

“If the Scottish Conservatives are serious about saving the union they must put national interest ahead of party unity and actively campaign to stop this Brexit at any cost mentality that has gripped the Tory Party.”

Young activists from Our Future, Our Choice hold a protest outside the Scottish Conservatives HQ. Photograph: Jane Barlow/PA Wire. – Credit: PA

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A spokesman for the Scottish Conservatives said: “Unlike the SNP and Labour MPs, all 13 Scottish Conservative MPs sought to take no-deal off the table in April by voting in favour of a deal.

“Unfortunately, SNP and Labour refused to compromise, meaning the deal did not pass.

“This campaign group might be better asking the SNP and Labour why they spurned the chance to deliver an orderly Brexit when they had the chance.”

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