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80% of voters in Corbyn’s constituency back a People’s Vote

Jeremy Corbyn addresses crowds stood in front of a 'road to Brexit' backdrop - Credit: PA

New polling has found that a majority of voters in Labour constituencies back a People’s Vote campaign – with 80% of voters in Jeremy Corbyn’s own seat in Islington North wanting a final say.

The data also found more voters support a People’s Vote in the Labour leader’s own constituency than in any other Labour seat when people who said they did not know or would not vote are stripped out.

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The analysis was carried out by pollster YouGov for the People’s Vote campaign and piles the pressure on Labour MPs in Leave seats to support a fresh referendum.

Even the Labour seat the least supportive of a People’s Vote found a majority wanted a People’s Vote. The seat in Ashfield still had 53% backing the proposal.

Birmingham Yardley MP Jess Phillips is supporting the People’s Vote campaign after finding thar 63% of voters in her Leave-voting constituency now supported a final say.

‘It’s no surprise to me that my constituents feel that they have been failed in the negotiations and are changing their mind on Brexit,’ she said.

‘If I had to pick who decided my fate between Theresa May or the people in my community I’d pick them every single time.

MORE: Labour MPs ‘would be abandoning party values’ if they support May on BrexitThe YouGov study was carried out using the pollster’s multi-level regression and post-stratification (MRP) technique, which was one of the most accurate polling techniques at the last general election. It calculated the views of people in specific seats by using data gleaned from 26,000 voters to build a model for each constituency.Peter Kellner, former chief of YouGov, said the data showed that quieter members of the electorate – those ‘who do not necessarily speak to MPs on the doorstep’ – were the ones who were changing their minds.

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