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Poll puts Lib Dems just 1% behind Labour as the opposition to Nigel Farage

Lib Dems use 'Bollocks to Brexit' messaging. Photograph: Twitter. - Credit: Archant

A new YouGov poll has thrown into doubt claims that Labour is the main opposition party to Nigel Farage’s Brexit Party – with 60% of 2017 general election voters moving away from the party.

The latest figures put Labour in second place, but with just 16% of support, as 44% of voters from the 2017 general election plan to vote for pro-Remain parties instead.

It has given the Liberal Democrats a boost, giving them 15% of the support, a difference of just 1%.

This is followed by the Greens on 11% and Change UK on 5%.

The Brexit Party is in the lead with 34% of support, and the Tories have fallen to fifth place with just 10% of support. UKIP support has fallen to just 3%.

Vince Cable at the Rich Mix community arts club in Shoreditch, east London, ahead of announcing the Liberal Democrat manifesto for the European elections. Photograph: David Mirzoeff/PA. – Credit: PA Wire/PA Images

The tiny difference between Labour and the Lib Dems demonstrates a surge in support for the anti-Brexit parties following the local election results, and casts doubt on claims from Labour it is the only party that can stop Nigel Farage.

Labour MP Ben Bradshaw says it should be a “massive wake up call” for his party as the polling revealed 44% of voters in 2017 were planning to vote for pro-Remain parties that back a People’s Vote. This is predominantly the Lib Dems (21%) and Greens (15%).

In response senior Remain figures in the party have been sent out to promote the claim that Labour is the leading Remain force that will offer a second referendum.

It includes Labour’s deputy Tom Watson who said his party is the only one that can stop Farage.

Vince Cable announces the Liberal Democrat manifesto for the European elections. Photograph: David Mirzoeff/PA. – Credit: PA Wire/PA Images

He said: “There are only two forces that can win this election – that nasty nationalism of the Farage Brexit Party, or the tolerant, compassionate outward looking patriotism of the Labour Party.

“I can only plead with Labour supporters – don’t stay at home, don’t put that cross elsewhere, don’t let them win.”

In the same set of polling for Westminster elections found the Tories would be neck and neck with Labour on just 24%, with the Brexit Party on 18% and Lib Dems on 16%.

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