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New poll finds 60% of the public backs People’s Vote

Anti-Brexit and Pro-Brexit protesters fly flags outside the Houses of Parliament. Photograph: Yui Mok/PA Wire - Credit: PA

Polling by Hope Not Hate and Best for Britain has found that 60% of the public back a fresh referendum if MPs are unable to decide on Brexit.

For the first time, the polling – carried out in mid-December and early January – found a majority in favour of a second referendum in every part of Great Britain.

The analysis showed support for a second referendum is particularly high among Labour voters, with a majority in every seat held by Jeremy Corbyn’s party.

The findings come as the Labour leader is under pressure to commit his party to a second referendum if he is unable to secure a general election through a no-confidence motion in May’s government.

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The research is based on ‘multi-level regression and post-stratification analysis’ applied by market research company FocalData to two waves of YouGov polling involving a total of 6,785 voters.

Participants were asked whether, if Parliament cannot decide on the best way forward for Brexit, they would favour a public vote with three options – Remain, Leave with Mrs May’s deal or Leave with no deal.

A total of 60.2% favoured a second referendum, with strongest backing in Scotland (67.7%), London (67.6%), the North West (61.2%), Wales (60.3%), North East (59.8%) and Yorkshire & Humber (58.9%).

Highest levels of opposition were recorded in the South West (44.9%), East of England (44%), East Midlands (43.2%), South East (42.2%) and West Midlands (42.1%)

Support for a public vote was high among Labour supporters across all regions of the country, ranging from 75.1% in the North East to 82.2% in London.

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Best for Britain boss Eloise Todd said: ‘A public vote is the option the people in the country want, and MPs must not ignore that.

‘Politicians need to resist the temptation to cobble together a Westminster fudge – it’s those kinds of deals behind closed doors that people rejected in 2016. Instead they should listen to the country, understand that most people now want a say on their future, and let the people decide on Brexit.’

Hope Not Hate chief executive Nick Lowles added: ‘MPs have had over two years to sort out Brexit and it is becoming abundantly clear that there is not a majority for any one option.

‘With Parliament deadlocked, the British public now clearly believe that they should make the final decision through a public vote.

‘They overwhelmingly want to take back control and there is nothing more democratic than that.’

Labour MP Virendra Sharma, a supporter of the Best for Britain campaign for a second referendum, said: ‘Labour voters and members are clear. Brexit is against what we believe, our values and our principles.

‘We, as a party cannot fight austerity and deliver better public services while we pay a sky-high Brexit bill. Labour must back a second Brexit vote. It’s the only way out of this impasse. We must let the people decide.’

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