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Pro-Brexit group claims Remainers are to blame for ‘mess’ surrounding UK’s departure from EU

The Leave Alliance used Twitter to blame Remainers for Brexit; Twitter - Credit: Archant

A pro-Brexit group has sparked a reaction on Twitter after blaming Remainers for the ‘mess’ surrounding the UK’s withdrawal from the EU.

The Leave Alliance (TLA) – a group which argues that Britain made a ‘fundamental mistake’ joining the EU in 1973 – said Remainers were to blame for the current state of Brexit negotiations, which could end without a deal.

In a post on the its official Twitter account, TLA said: ‘These days I’m heavily sceptical of #Brexit and the mess it will surely be, but we are where we are primarily because we had to fight for it three times. Voting in good faith in a referendum wasn’t enough. Remainers own this mess as much as the Tories.’

The Alliance has long campaigned for Britain to leave EU and regularly publishes blogs setting out their ideas.

Responding to the tweet, Claire Savage said it was ‘ridiculous’ to attack Remainers. ‘How dare you, we said it was a mistake from day one, we said any Brexit is Remain minus, this is ALL on the promoters of Brexit whoever they are. #ownyourshit #BrexitShambles,’ she wrote.

@JeromeDavies1 shared: ‘Utter nonsense. Remainers fought against it because it was obviously going to be a disaster.’

Martin Broadhurst said: ‘You lot were supposed to have a plan but there never was one. Every point from Remainers was dismissed as project fear. Yet here we are, with checks on the Irish sea and no deal looming, to name two scenarios we were told wouldn’t happen.’

But the group hit back defending its comments. They told users that the TLA had been prepared to back a compromise plan: ‘Remainers had at least three windows of opportunity. They refused to compromise or respect the vote. Now suck up the consequences.’

They added: ‘Remainers always like to paint our #Brexit critical threads as some kind of damascene conversion when we’ve been pretty consistent throughout. There are plenty of good reasons to vote for Brexit but ‘free trade’ is not one of them.’

Few people were buying it. Scientists For EU chief, Mike Galsworthy, posted: ‘Yes Brexit will be a mess. No, you cannot blame Remainers who always pointed out it was a mess and thought the public were entitled to an abort button.’

Gerry Jerome wrote: ‘Astonishingly accurate assessment of the mess we’re in by the Leave Alliance! What Remainers were warning about.’

Father Ian Maher wrote: ‘Reality dawns as @LeaveHQ realise they’ve been had, good and proper. They are now looking to turn the blame on remainers. Why am I not surprised?’

The Leave Alliance has long been critical of Britain’s decision to join the EU.

‘It is our view that the British government which took us into to the EEC (European Economic Committee) in 1973 made a fundamental mistake in opting for membership of a supranational organisation,’ they wrote on their website.

‘We do not believe our interests are properly served by the EU advancing agendas on our behalf. We should be setting a standard for Europe to follow rather than accepting suboptimal compromises.

‘Brexit will provide us with opportunity to demonstrate leadership in Europe and on the world stage.’

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