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This man just perfectly summed up Tory ‘disregard’ of working class in 30 second video

A member of the Question Time audience slammed Tory chair James Cleverly over his party's 'disregard for the working class'. Photos: BBC - Credit: Archant

A member of the Question Time audience has been applauded after slamming the chair of the Conservative Party over his claims about Brexit.

The man launched into a tirade at the show’s panel, including the Tory chair James Cleverly, as he claimed Brexit was being used as a scapegoat for problems the party had caused.

The panel were discussing leaving the EU after being asked what the point of “getting Brexit done” is if it doesn’t solve the problems which “normal British people care about”.

The man then said: “The problems have nothing to with Brexit. The problems have been inflicted by the Tories for the last 10 years.

“You’ve treated the working class with disregard for 10 years and you’re using Brexit as a tool. It’s a scapegoat.”

The camera then jumps back to Cleverly, who looks clearly disgruntled to have been put in his place.

READ MORE: Tory candidate says disabled people should be paid less as they ‘don’t understand money’READ MORE: John Major urges public to vote against Tories in blow to Boris Johnson“You’ve treated us with absolute disregard for a long time and it’s got nothing to do with Brexit,” the audience member said.

The clip has since been retweeted thousands of times, with many on social media saying the audience member was ‘spot on’.

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