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Who’s on Question Time this week?

Chair David Dimbleby during a warm-up question before the recording of BBC Question Time. Photograph: Yui Mok/PA. - Credit: PA Archive/PA Images

This week’s Question Time comes from Bishop’s Stortford – a town which voted to Leave by just 622 votes.

It will be David Dimbleby’s penultimate edition of Question Time (QT), and will be recorded at Bishop’s Stortford College.

Joining Dimbleby will be…

Shami Chakrabarti

Representing the opposition will be civil liberties advocate and Labour peer Shami Chakrabarti. She is the shadow attorney general for England and Wales. She claimed this week that Labour could negotiate a better Brexit deal before 29 March. She warned this week that People’s Vote supporters should be careful what they wish for.

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James Brokenshire

The Communities secretary will be representing the Conservatives on this week’s programme. He has previously called for his Tory colleagues to rally behind Theresa May on Brexit. He has, however, warned that the UK must be ready for no deal.

Ian Blackford

The Scottish National Party’s leader at Westminster doubled down on criticism of Theresa May this week, saying that the prime minister ‘lied’ about the Brexit legal advice. He faced being suspended for making the claim in the Commons.

Jill Rutter

Rutter is programme director at the Institute for Government. She is a former senior civil servant, having worked in HM Treasury, Number 10 and Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs. She said this week that all of the possible exit routes all have problems.

Charles Moore

Moore is a columnist for the Telegraph and a writer for the Spectator. He was the authorised biographer of Margaret Thatcher. Last mont he accused the civil service of having an anti-Brexit ‘bias’.

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• BBC Question Time airs on BBC One at 10.45pm on Thursday evening (11.20pm in Northern Ireland) and is repeated on Sunday at 6pm on BBC Parliament.

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