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More polling shows ‘stay alert’ coronavirus slogan is confusing the public

The government's latest 'stay alert' coronavirus slogan has faced mounting criticisms for being 'unclear'; Sky News - Credit: Archant

A new poll has joined a string of others to find that a large number of Britons think the government’s latest coronavirus messaging is confusing.

Polling carried out by surveying firm Redfield & Wilton Strategies found that only 49% of respondents viewed the new messaging as ‘extremely’ or ‘reasonably’ clear, compared to 94% who thought the same of the old ‘stay home, protect the NHS, save lives’ slogan.

More than a third – 36% – said they did not understand rules around returning to work or whether they should wear a mask in public. Another quarter did not understand new social distancing measures.

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It follows a snap poll earlier this week suggesting less than a third of people understood the government’s latest message.

Another survey carried by YouGov on Tuesday found that only 30% of respondents said the new instructions were clear while a staggering 91% agreed the government’s former mantra was clearer.

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The government has even faced criticism over its messaging by the press across Europe. Spain’s El Confidencial weighed into argument asking ‘What on earth does it mean to be alert?’.

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