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Labour would have a 27% lead if it was unambiguously pro-Remain, polling finds

Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn and Emily Thornberry on the European elections campaign trail in Lambeth. Photograph: Stefan Rousseau/PA Wire - Credit: PA

A clear and unambiguous pro-Remain position from Labour would give the party a resounding 27% lead over the Conservatives, an 8% lead over the Brexit Party and a 14% increase in their overall vote, new research has revealed.

The research. published by Remain United utilising the expertise of Electoral Calculus and new polling from ComRes, predicts that with no change to its position on Brexit, Labour would win only 20 seats in the EU Elections, with the Brexit Party taking 28, six for the Conservatives, and 11 for the Lib Dems.

But, if Labour were to come out with an unambiguously pro-Remain position which involved backing Remain in a second referendum, its seat share would rise dramatically to 35 out of the total of 70 – overtaking the Brexit Party’s who would return just 23 MEPs.

Gina Miller, the founder of Remain United, tells The New European: “Our research shows clearly that Mr Corbyn’s unwillingness to get off the fence on Brexit is causing real damage to his party’s electoral prospects. By refusing unequivocally to changed its official policy to back remaining in the EU, and promising to hold a second referendum on whether to stay in or leave the EU, he is massively out of step with his own Labour MPs, party members, supporters and – crucially – with Labour voters.

“If Mr Corbyn did what these poll findings clearly tell him he should do, Labour would transform its electoral performance in every region of Great Britain, including its Northern England heartlands. To turn his back on these findings is a gross dereliction of duty and an unforgiveable betrayal of the legitimate hopes and aspirations of Labour voters.”

The research also gives updated recommendations for remain voters wishing to vote tactically in the upcoming EU Elections. These are based on Labour not changing its policy and therefore being categorised as a pro-Brexit party by Remain United, remain-supporting voters across Great Britain have four options depending on where they live.

– In Scotland and Wales, it saysnationalists who support remaining in the EU can vote for the SNP and Plaid Cymru, while non-nationalists can vote for the Liberal Democrats, as both parties in each region can win their maximum seats without combining.

– In the South West and the South East of England, Remain-supporting voters are advised to choose between the Liberal Democrats or the Green Party, as both can win seats in these regions.

– In Eastern, East Midlands, London, North East, North West, West Midlands, Yorks/Humber – their advice is to vote Lib Dem.

For more information visit the Remain United website, and find out more about different methods of tactical voting for your region here.

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