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Rory Bremner treats Twitter to a pitch-perfect Boris Johnson impression

Rory Bremner has tweeted a pitch-perfect impression of Boris Johnson's leadership bid. Picture: Ian West/PA Wire/PA Images - Credit: PA Wire/PA Images

On the day Boris Johnson unveiled his leadership pitch, the nation’s favourite impressionist had already taken a stab at giving the Tory hopeful’s speech for him.

With over 2,400 retweets, the one-minute video was probably better received than Johnson’s speech itself.

READ: Boris Johnson accused of ‘Trumpian tactics’ as he kicks off leadership bid“The favourite finally launches his campaign … #Boris” said Bremner in the tweet, but hardly needed the #Boris hashtag as soon as the impression began.

“The waiting is over,” said Bremner-as-Johnson. “Last week we had D-Day, and today, today, my friends, is Wednesday. No, today is B-Day.

“… And I say to our French friends, and I say to our German cousins, and I say to our Portuguese gardeners, I say, er, achtung, er, en garde.”

Twitter fans quickly picked up on the toilet-humour pun, giving the one-minute video 7,500 likes by time of writing.

“He does BoJo better than BoJo does BoJo,” remarked Twitter user Ivan D. Ivanov while Dr Carolyn Campbell tweeted: “That was actually more coherent than his launch speech.”

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