Brexiteer MP Peter Bone has claimed that Nigel Farage should have been given a peerage and appointed chief Brexit negotiator.
The Wellingborough MP – who has previously called for a national Margaret Thatcher day and a public holiday to celebrate Brexit – was speaking at the latest Leave Means Leave rally in Solihull.
The move would be another step in making the former political party leader, stockbroker and Member of European Parliament firmly part of the ‘elite’ and ‘esablishment’ he chastises.
Bone also said that ‘we would have been out by now’ if Farage had been leading the talks with the European Union.
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At the event former UKIP leader Farage told the rally that politicians must be made to ‘feel the heat’ if they were about to betray the decision made in the 2016 referendum.
‘This is now about a matter of trust between us – the people – and our political class,’ he said.
‘They are trying to betray Brexit and we are here today to tell them ‘we won’t let you get away with doing that’.’
In a message to the crowds he added: ‘I want you to make our political class, who are on the verge of betraying Brexit, feel the heat.’
He said Brexiteers should make use of the Tories’ data leak by telephoning government ministers to let them know their views about Brexit.
‘You no longer need to write to the prime minister, you can just ring them up directly because you’ve got all their details, I suggest you take the opportunity.’
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