Public opinion is rapidly turning against Brexit, according to a new poll.
The survey for Sky News found that more than three-quarters of the British public – 78% of those surveyed – think that the government is doing a bad job in negotiating Brexit, and just 10% think they are doing a good job.
Two-thirds (65%) believe that the government’s negotiations will lead to a bad deal for Britain – including 51% of Leave voters.
Meanwhile a majority now back a People’s Vote on the final Brexit deal by 50% to 40%. The poll found that there was support for having three options on the ballot paper including leaving the EU without a deal, the deal agreed by the government, and an option to Remain.
Those surveyed by Sky News found that the choice to Remain was the preferred option – with 48% supporting staying in the EU compared to 27% preferring a ‘No Deal’ Brexit and just 13% supporting the Chequers agreement.
Taking into account second preferences, an overall majority would support remaining in the EU by 59% compared to a ‘no deal’ Brexit which is supported by 41%.
Alastair Campbell tweeted: ‘A quite remarkable shift when you think for two years the government, opposition, and most of the media are united in saying it must and will happen and all will be fine’.
• To show your support for a People’s Vote sign the official petition