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Boris’ father tells Nigel Farage: ‘We’re not going to leave the EU’

Stanley Johnson with son Boris at a book launch in Daunts, Marylebone: Picture: Mark Rusher - Credit: Archant

Boris Johnson’s father Stanley Johnson has told Nigel Farage that it is unlikely we will leave the EU – despite his son spearheading the campaign for a hard Brexit.

Johnson said that he believed a fresh referendum was the most likely scenario as a result of Brexit talks, and it would result in the people voting against May’s transition deal.

‘I personally don’t think we’re going to leave on March the 29th because I think that even if Mrs May gets a vote through Parliament on Chequers, the moment that vote has been taken there will be a second vote.

‘The way they’re structuring the vote in Parliament – Dominic Raab made it clear the other day – there’ll first be a vote on the deal but then there will be an amendable series of resolutions as well as one resolution.’

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Stanley Johnson and Nigel Farage on LBC Radio (Photograph: LBC Radio) – Credit: Archant

He was being interviewed by Nigel Farage on his LBC radio show when he claimed that a fresh referendum is an entirely plausible scenario – providing Parliament agrees by March 29th.

‘I suspect that’s what’s going to happen. As long as this vote intervenes before March 29th, there will be time for the government.

‘In the light of the resolution which will probably be passed after they voted for the deal, to say we’ve actually got to postpone Article 50 because we’ve got to take another look.’

This prediction did not satisfy former UKIP leader and radio presenter Nigel Farage. He said it would be the ‘greatest democratic betrayal.’

‘Do you understand how just furious many, many millions of people will be in this country if an open vote that was given to them and explained by everybody in terms of we will enact whatever you decide.

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Johnson believed that in this instance people would be more likely to vote against May’s proposal of a transition period with the EU without any say, and opt to remain in the European Union.

He said: ‘Let’s say you get a narrow vote in Parliament in favour of Chequers.

‘But then let’s say you have a vote following the vote of principle which says actually let’s have a double lock on this and let’s make sure that the people of this country agree that Parliament has done the bidding of the nation with this Chequers deal.

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‘And if people will take your view as many no doubt will, then the country will vote overwhelmingly and say yes, Parliament got it right, we believe in Parliament.

‘But it’s just possible that they may say well, actually we don’t think this scheme of staying forever in the EU without actually being in the EU is the right scheme.’

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