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Keir Starmer takes aim at Boris Johnson’s dad and Dominic Cummings over rule breaking

LBC host Nick Ferrari and Sir Keir Starmer; LBC, Twitter - Credit: Archant

Sir Keir Starmer has taken aim at Dominic Cummings and Stanley Johnson after being asked about the prime minister’s father taking a rule-breaking trip to Greece.

Sir Keir appeared on LBC’s Nick Ferrari show for a regular phone-in with callers when he made the comments.

Ferrari asked the Labour leader if he had any family travel to Greece via Bulgaria, as Johnson senior had done late last week.

‘None of your family have gone to Greece via Bulgaria, have they by any chance, to check on the efficiency of a holiday villa, Sir Keir Starmer?’ Ferrari asked

‘No, they haven’t,’ Sir Keir replied, ‘but, at least he [Stanley Johnson] didn’t say he was testing his eyesight,’ Sir Keir replied.

Boris Johnson’s father, Stanley Johnson, has been criticised for a trip he made to Greece prior to government travel restrictions being lifted.

The 79-year-old said he was visiting on ‘essential business’ because he needed to ‘Covid-proof’ his villa ahead of the letting season.

The prime minister later dodged questions about his father’s trip in a separate interview on the radio channel.

‘Even your own father has broken the restrictions by going to Greece. What would you say to your own father?’ Ferrari put to the Tory leader.

‘I think you really ought to raise that with him. I am not going to get into details of family conversations,’ he replied.

‘My view is that the overwhelming majority of the British people have understood what needs to be done.’

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