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Anti-Brexit campaigner interrupts Boris Johnson speech with cries of ‘Stop Boris!’

Anti-Brexit campaigner Steve Bray walks alongside Chief Secretary to the Treasury Liz Truss (right) and Housing Secretary James Brokenshire (2nd right). Photograph: Stefan Rousseau/PA Wire. - Credit: PA

Anti-Brexit campaigner Steve Bray made his feelings known during Boris Johnson’s leadership speech as he interrupted his speech.

The campaigner, known for literally being behind the news, regularly shouts “stop Brexit!” and “revoke Article 50” from Parliament Square.

Fresh from attending Rory Stewart’s campaign launch, Bray was present for Johnson’s launch, but this time was not allowed in.

Instead from outside he shouted “stop Boris!” and “bollocks to Boris!” as his speech got underway.

Each cry could be heard audibly from inside the room and was picked up on the live television coverage, briefly throwing the Tory MP off his speech.

Boris Johnson launches his campaign to become leader of the Conservative and Unionist Party and Prime Minister at the Sky Loft, Millbank Tower. Photograph: Stefan Rousseau/PA Wire. – Credit: PA

It began as Boris told the room: “After three years and two missed deadlines, we must leave the EU on October 31.

“We cannot ignore the morass at Westminster where parties have entered a yellow box junction, unable to move forward or back, while around the country there is a mood of disillusion, even despair, at our ability to get things done.

“The longer it goes on, the worst the risk that there will be serious contamination and loss of confidence, because the people of this country deserve the best from their leader.”

His shouts were commented on by viewers inside the venue on Twitter.

The Independent’s Tom Peck tweeted: “Through the windows, at great volume and at great length, is the repeated noise of the Stop Brexit man shouting ‘BOLLOCKS TO BORIS.’ It has taken the wind out of Johnson’s sails. It is extremely amusing.”

The BBC’s Laura Kuenssberg said: “Mr Stop Brexit is outside shouting Bollocks to Boris and can be heard in the room.”

Liz Bates from the Yorkshire Post wrote: “The Bollocks to Brexit man (I assume) is shouting Bollocks to Boris (I think) and other muffled things outside Johnson’s leadership launch. It’s quite loud and distracting but he’s carrying on regardless.”

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