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‘Stop Brexit’ protester escorted away from TV cameras by police

Steve Bray is escorted away from College Green. Photograph: BBC. - Credit: Archant

Anti-Brexit campaigner Steve Bray has been moved away from College Green by police.

Bray has become well known as the ‘Stop Brexit’ protester for appearing behind television presenters for weeks campaigning against Brexit and calling for a People’s Vote.

He has been notable for his shouting and making use of EU flags and signs to get his message across.

The BBC even went to great lengths to block the protester out of their shots – by building a raised platform. As a result Bray returned with signs and flags on extended poles to continue to be seen.

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Now, however, the police appear to have decided to move Bray on away from College Green and out of the picture of the major broadcasters’ coverage.

Speaking to the BBC as he was being moved on, he said: ‘I’m not being taken away, I’m just being escorted off.’

A policeman also presented in the video told the BBC: ‘He’s not being escorted – he’s been asked to leave and he’s leaving on his own accord.’

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