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‘You need to resign’: Stormzy calls Rees-Mogg ‘scumbag’ for Grenfell comments

Stormzy performs during the TRNSMT festival at Glasgow Green, Scotland. - Credit: PA Wire/PA Images

The Grime artist Stormzy has called Tory MP Jacob Rees-Mogg a ‘scumbag’ who needs to resign after his comments on LBC radio about the Grenfell tower fire.


Rees-Mogg said the victims of the fire lacked ‘common sense’, and said if he was in a fire he would leave the building.

In an attack on Twitter, Stormzy said Rees-Mogg was “an actual piece of shit”, who was “in a nutshell saying Grenfell Victims should of [sic] had the common sense to escape”.

“I can’t believe the cheek fucking hell these politicians are actual aliens,” he continued.

The MP said the poor cladding was the cause of the fire but was not necessarily the cause of the tragedy.

He told LBC’s Nick Ferrari: “The more one’s read over the weekend about the report and about the chances of surviving. I think if you ignore what you’re told and leave, you are so much safer.

“And I think if either of us were in a fire, whatever the fire brigade said, we would leave the burning building. It just seems the common sense thing to do.

“It is such a tragedy that didn’t happen but it isn’t anything to do with race or class and it’s rather sad to raise these types of points over a great tragedy.”

Stormzy said the comments were equivalent to saying ‘come on bro, they were just dumb’.

The rapper added: “As if those who lost their lives weren’t smart enough to escape. Fucking hell this man is the scummiest. You can’t even make this stuff up.


“BRUV!!!!! Let’s bare in mind for 2 secs how horrifying and terrifying the situation would of been for the victims. Deep that for 2 secs.”

Stormzy added that those in the tower were following instructions by firefighters – trusted government authorities – to stay put.

“This scumbag is saying ‘well boy you lot are dumb to of listened then’ can you imagine ?!!!! Oi get this prick out of here these man are scumbags and they are wicked and evil,” he said.

Rees-Mogg has since apologised for his comments, but for victims of the tragedy, his apology is not enough.


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