A video clip that is going viral on social media shows Terry Christian getting a ticking off from television and radio presenter Jeremy Vine.
But what it doesn’t show is Christian taking on a panel of pro-Brexit voices on Jeremy Vine’s Channel 5 programme – compromising of John Caudwell and Carole Malone – and getting more and more frustrated as they advocated a no-deal Brexit without providing any answers to how the country would prosper.
Christian tried to dispute the pair’s claims about no-deal Brexit by saying it was “undeliverable” and that the campaign was “based on lies.”
Referring back to the subject of whether Boris Johnson could be trusted to deliver Brexit he said it was like trusting “the captain of the Titanic to crash into the iceberg”.
He continued to explain that the EU had been “preparing for three years for Britain to leave without a deal” but he claimed that this had not been reciprocated.
As Carole Malone claimed that it was “lies” the government and business were not prepared, Christian pointed out that opinions on this differed within the civil service.
He also argued that fellow panelist, the former owner of Phones 4 U and the 87th richest man in the country, would “not be badly affected” by a no-deal Brexit.
He said it was not comparable to those who risked losing his job at Honda.
“You’ve not got as many skin in the game as a Honda worker,” claimed Christian, as Caudwell maintained he was “a huge skin in the game” as he’s “got £1.5 million”.
MORE: Terry Christian: Your firm’s making cuts? Sack the Brexit voters first
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But as the billionaire continued to maintain he wanted Britain to prosper with Brexit, Christian became irked again by asking “how do you prosper by leaving?”.
“What tangible benefits are there with leaving the EU?” the former presenter of The Word continued to ask the pair.
“Shut up and let me tell you!” protested Malone, as she claimed “we will be able to do our own trade deals, we will not be dependent on the EU and their tariffs.”
As she went to rant that the EU was a “protectionist cartel”, Christian said she was “talking nonsense”.
“You sound like you’ve read the Daily Mail,” he told Malone.
“You’re insulting 17.4 million people!” said Malone, as he asked what the first trade we would be doing that the EU could not already provide.
“This is my frustration with Remainers, they aren’t prepared to listen!” responded Malone, as Christian pointed out she was not answering the question.
A video of Jeremy Vine’s response to Christian threatening to put a piece of paper in his mouth to silence him was praised by some viewers who believed he had been to forceful with his line of questioning, but Christian’s argument was not shared on social media by the programme.
The panelist maintained he just wanted to know the answers to the questions that surround the debate surrounding no-deal Brexit, and that Caudwell and Malone were not managing to do so.