With UKIP’s voters returning to the Conservative party, Michael Culver argues it’s no longer a party for right-thinking people.
I write on behalf of my wife and myself to express our total agreement with the views expressed by Roger Adams in his letter (TNE #90). The Conservative party today is no longer one for any right-thinking person to support and has become an aggressively uncaring and insular party only interested in the interests of the few at the expense of the many.
We are both ashamed to be English.
Michael Culver, Chichester
When France faced a wave of misinformed populist rhetoric against migrants in the early 1980s, Francois Mitterrand responded with a national advertising campaign under the slogan ‘Hands off my mate’.
The contrast between this statesmanlike approach and the ‘Go Home’ vans approved by the current British prime minister could not be more telling.
Lawrence Grace
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