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Theresa May is taking Brexit advice off David Cameron

Our saviour? Former prime minister David Cameron. Photograph: PA Wire. - Credit: PA Archive/PA Images

Theresa May is secretly taking advice from the former prime minister David Cameron on how to resolve the current Brexit crisis.

Cameron, who is credited with causing Brexit by calling for an EU referendum and then promptly resigning as soon as the result was revealed, wants to make a return to fix the crisis for Theresa May.

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The revelation was made by ITV’s political editor Robert Peston on Facebook.

He said: ‘If you want a symbol of the catastrophe Theresa May faces over Brexit here it is: her predecessor David Cameron is advising her how to get some kind route out of the EU – that isn’t the fast one over the cliff – through parliament.’

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He said it was like the ‘pope asking the chief rabbi on the true meaning of the Eucharist’.

‘But now the former prime minister has become her personal Brexit-crisis adviser, as she desperately tries to prevent the UK crashing out of the EU with a chaotic no deal.’

Apparently May is more inclined to listen to Cameron because he has endorsed her ‘partnership approach to the UK’s long-term relationship with the EU’.

Former prime minister Cameron has said he does not regret calling the EU referendum.

He said recently: ‘I don’t regret calling a referendum. I made a promise in the election to call a referendum and I called it.’

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