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‘A free pen?’ – Readers try to guess Theresa May’s ‘bold offer’ over Brexit

Theresa May. Picture: MATT DUNHAM/AFP/Getty Images - Credit: AFP/Getty Images

With Theresa May in discussions to offer something ‘bold’ to get her Brexit deal passed by MPs, our readers have been trying to work out what it might entail.

Some believed it was a typo and that she actually meant an “old” offer. Others thought she might have just been trying to giveaway some washing powder with every vote.

BritsfortheEU said: “Give all MPs a thumping great pay rise, that should work.”

StoneMunki wrote: “An open packet of biscuits… basically anything left at the back of the cupboard as that’s all she’s got left.”

David Heard said: “She will shred the files that the whips office have on all Tory MPs.”

“Vote for this and I’ll sack Grayling,” said @thisisacesspit.

“A free milkshake with every vote,” suggested David Wilson, while Tracker Neal went for a free pen.

“Cake” said Dick Winchester.

“Same deal as previous 3 times, but with a new, people-friendly name,” wrote Mr H.

Tim Baker said: “Green shield stamps?”

MickyDee suggested: “The same withdrawal agreement, but the ERG can choose the font.”

EU Deweller said: “DFS Vouchers”.

“Two horned unicorns” said Dave Stoneman.

“A fifth vote?” asked Edel Ryan.

“She’ll agree to do the robot dance in the chamber if the house accepts her deal” wrote Sal, while Kim Tan said she might offer to give up dancing.

“Font will be bold Wing-Dings so no one will have clue what they are voting for or against,” speculated Martin James. “Bold offer means bold offer” responded Lyn Cooper.

The more optimistic went for the revocation of Article 50, a general election, a confirmatory vote, or a second referendum.

Theresa May is expected to reveal her offer to MPs by the end of the month, in preparation for another vote at the start of June.

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