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Theresa May says next Tory leader will be ‘excellent’ whoever wins

Theresa May during PMQs. Photograph: House of Commons/PA Wire. - Credit: PA

Theresa May sidestepped a chance to ‘recommend her successor’, telling MPs that the next Tory leader would be an ‘excellent’ prime minister whoever wins.

Liberal Democrat leader Sir Vince Cable sought to put May on the spot during Prime Minister’s Questions by asking how Jeremy Hunt or Boris Johnson would secure a majority in the Commons.

He said: “The prime minister’s last major duty will be to recommend her successor. How does she plan to satisfy herself that the next leader of the Conservative Party will command a majority in the House of Commons?”

May replied: “The next leader of the Conservative Party will, I believe, be an excellent prime minister, whichever of the candidates wins, and they will ensure that they take this country through Brexit, deliver on the 2016 referendum, ignore the attempts by (him) and his (honourable friends) to try and go back on the democratic vote of the British people and lead us forward to a brighter future.”

MORE: PMQs Review – The one with the open goal

Elsewhere SNP MP Patrick Grady spoke about the 50th anniversary of the Moon landings, adding: “In 50 or 100 years’ time won’t history judge Brexit and her legacy to have been one giant leap backwards for the people of these islands?”

May replied: “No.”

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