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PMQs: Theresa May told in the House of Commons her ‘time is up’

Prime Minister Theresa May speaks during Prime Minister's Questions in the House of Commons. (House of Commons/PA Wire) - Credit: PA

SNP Westminster leader Ian Blackford has told Theresa May her ‘time is up’.

Speaking in Prime Minister’s Questions, the politician said: “My goodness, talk about ignoring reality. Prime minister, look at the benches behind you. The prime minister is fooling no-one but herself and the truth is that the people of Scotland don’t want her deal.

“Her own party doesn’t want her deal and now even the pro-Brexit Labour front bench won’t support her deal, her time is up. Tomorrow, people in Scotland have a choice, to send a message, to send pro-European outward looking SNP MEPs to Brussels to stop Brexit.

“Prime minister, what party does she think the people of Scotland will choose?”

She replied: “There is only one party in Scotland guaranteeing no more referendums and that’s the Conservative Party.”

Blackford also branded the prime minister’s latest deal a “fantasy”.

He said: “Her customs union compromise already dismissed by the EU, isn’t this new deal just a fantasy?”

Theresa May replied: “There is a difference of opinion in this House on the future customs arrangement with the EU, that’s why it’s important that this House actually comes to a decision on that issue.

“Allowing the second reading of the Withdrawal Agreement Bill will enable this House to come to a decision on that issue.

“It will also enable the House to come to a decision on a second referendum, which I continue to believe would not be the right route for this country to go down, we should deliver on the first referendum before suggesting anything about a second.”

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