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Tony Blair: Ask me anything

Tony Blair - Credit: Archant

The public have the chance to put questions direct to Tony Blair, in an exclusive Q and A session for the New European.

Blair, who figured prominently in our Brexit power list, is emerging as an increasingly influential figure in the pro-European cause.

Last month, in the New European, he called on the 48% to ‘mobilise’ and ‘organise’ under the rallying cry: ‘we are the insurgents now’.

The former prime minister, and one of the most influential politicians in Europe, will respond to the best questions in the next issue of the newspaper and on our new website, launching soon.

Ask him anything – on Brexit, Labour, Trump… or something personal.

To take part, please send your question by 9am Monday November 28 as a direct message to us on Twitter @theneweuropean

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