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Twitter users mock Nigel Farage’s ‘letter’ from 10-year-old ‘supporter’

Nigel Farage claims he received this letter from a 10-year-old supporter. Photograph: Twitter. - Credit: Archant

Nigel Farage has been mocked by Twitter users after he shared a letter which he claimed was from a 10-year-old boy.

The Brexit Party leader posted a picture of the “amazing letter” from a “fellow leaver” called Matthew, who was writing to “express his gratitude” to Farage and his party.

The handwritten letter reads: “Without you the leave voters would have nobody to represent their opinions as the majority of MPs in Parliament want to ignore democracy and overturn the referendum result.

“At my school they try and brainwash us to be pro-EU but me and my friend Jim (fellow leaver) know their tricks.”

Many have criticised the post and suggested the letter is fake, pointing to the complexity of its language and quality of its handwriting as evidence.

“A cursive f? From a 10 year old? If that letter’s genuine my name is Dick Van Dodo,” said tweeted user @Otto_English.

Author Greg Hogben added: “It’s remarkable how a 10 year-old understands the complexities of Brexit and is able to compose a letter praising you, while being delicate enough not to go so far as to call you a superhero.

“So remarkable in fact, it didn’t happen.”

Others responded by sharing letters of their own, written in the same style as the one signed Matthew.

Founder of pro-EU advocacy group Our Future, Our Choice Femi Oluwole shared a letter claiming to be from a nine-year-old girl called Gladys, but appearing to mock the articulate language presented in the letter addressed to Farage.

“Dear Femi… Without you, the Remain voters would have nobody to represent their opinions as the majority of MPs in Parliament want to ignore democracy and decline to offer the people a confirmatory referendum.

“At my school they attempt to depict the delicate political situation with nuance because it’s their pedagogical responsibility, but me and my friend Edith (fellow Remainer) know their tricks.”

Other mock letters were much simpler.

User @its_johnmartin tweeted: “Dear Mr Nigel, It’s sad to think some people actually believe this.

“From John. Age 2 years 3 weeks and 4 sleeps (nearly).”

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