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UKIP’s attendance at EU rockets… as Parliament debates their post-Brexit entitlements

UKIP group MEPs at the European Parliament (Photograph: Julie Girling) - Credit: Archant

A group of pro-Leave MEPs have turned up in force to debate in the European parliament in Strasbourg – because the subject of their entitlements after Brexit was on the agenda.

Despite UKIP MEPs turning up to fewer votes than any other party in Europe – just 62.3% of votes before Brexit – a majority of the remaining members of their group made themselves available for this seemingly important debate.

A fellow MEP from the United Kingdom, Julie Girling, tweeted a photograph of the rare appearance.

She said: ‘Never seen so many UKIP members attend a meeting in Strasbourg before… the subject? Members entitlements after Brexit!’

While Nigel Farage has previously complained about the EU ‘gravy train’ he looks set to benefit from his own Brexit dividend.

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He told Sky News he would ‘probably’ take £150,000 offered to him as part of the Brexit divorce deal – on top of the £73,000 a year he will receive as part of his pension.

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