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‘We’re in a nasty mess my precious!’ – Unsettling video portrays Theresa May as Gollum

Theresa May portrayed as Gollum. Photograph: People's Vote. - Credit: Archant

Theresa May has been portrayed as Gollum from Lord of the Rings in an unselling video that pokes fun at the way she obsesses over her Brexit deal.

The Hollywood actor Andy Serkis donned a Conservative-blue jacket and grey wig for the sketch.

‘Precious … our agreement, this is it. Our deal,’ hisses Serkis as he cowers in a darkened Number 10, poring over a copy of the Withdrawal Agreement MPs will vote on on Tuesday.

‘We takes back control! Money, borders, laws… blue passportses!’

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The video, produced by a company which has previously made films for the Labour Party, ends by calling for a People’s Vote on Brexit.

Serkis won a host of awards for his portrayal of Gollum in Lord Of The Rings, a cowering, deformed creature with a split personality who obsesses over his ‘precious’ ring.

The British actor’s disturbing turn as May sees the PM fighting an internal battle between wanting to see her Brexit deal through and facing up to her critics.

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‘It hurts the people, makes them poorer,’ pleads one side.

‘But I finds it and negotiates it. We wants it! We has to do it!’ spits the other.

The video has been viewed more than one million times since it was posted to Facebook and YouTube and has been shared by the likes of Gary Lineker and Stephen Fry.

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