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Watch as Dominic Raab’s constituents react to his worst quotes

Dominic Raab's constituents were told quotes that the foreign secretary had said. Photo: Scram News - Credit: Archant

The foreign secretary’s constituents in Esher and Walton were told some of the worst quotes he had said, and then asked how they would vote.

Dominic Raab may be the one cabinet member with the highest chance of being ousted from his seat due to an election campaign full of blunders and a surge of support to the Lib Dems in the Surrey constituency which was previously considered a Tory safe seat.

Esher and Walton also voted convincingly for Remaining in the EU, and the former Brexit minister they have for an MP has been at the forefront of pushing the UK into a hard departure from the European Union.

With his seat being as marginal as it is, Scram News took to the streets of Walton-on-thames to vox-pop the Tory hopeful’s constituents and see how they feel about Raab, as well as if they were shocked by his past comments.

One voter they stop says: “I think he’s a disgrace. Because this constituency voted to Remain in Europe and he’s completely ignored their wishes.

“I’ll vote the best way I know to get him out, which is Lib Dem. I don’t [like him], and I don’t know many people who do.”

Another voter they stopped, who intends to vote Conservative but does not like Raab personally, said: “I’m not sure I have much faith in Dominic. I don’t feel he has much strength of presence.”

READ MORE: Hugh Grant goes door-knocking with Lib Dems to help the fight to unseat Dominic RaabREAD MORE: An open letter to anti-Brexit voters living in Labour and Lib Dem marginal seatsWhen that voter was told that Raab had said British workers “are among some of the worst idlers in the world”, she said: “Gosh, no I didn’t. That’s quite sad to hear.”

A final voter says: “I’m a Remainer, and most of his constituency was. He took no notice and carries on going, and I don’t think you can ignore your constituents.”

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