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Boris Johnson’s spokesperson criticises Rita Ora and Laurence Fox over lockdown breaches

Prime Minister Boris Johnson speaks in the House of Commons - Credit: PA

Downing Street has criticised reports that Rita Ora threw a birthday party at a restaurant and actor Laurence Fox boasted of having a “large group over to lunch” over the weekend.

Boris Johnson’s official spokesman said that the rules applied to “celebrities” and that they should be setting examples.

He said: “It’s important that everybody in society sets an example by following the rules – that is for every member of the public including celebrities.”

The spokesman said the matter was for the police to decide appropriate action.

Commenting on musician Ora, he said: “Throughout the pandemic we’ve been clear that it’s vital for everyone to abide by the rules in order to suppress the virus and reduce the transmission but enforcement matter is for the police.”

Asked about Fox, the spokesman added: “The prime minister has been clear of the need for everybody across the country to continue to abide by the rules in order to reduce the transmission of the virus, but it’s up to police to decide what action to take.”

In the first lockdown both the prime minister’s senior aide Dominic Cummings and communities minister Robert Jenrick were reported to have broken guidelines.

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