A quip from rugby union legend and sports pundit Brian Moore has perfectly sums up the cronyism over Brexit.
The Remain-voting former English rugby union footballer expressed regret for voting against Brexit – because of the number of opportunities offered by the government to those that backed Leave.
His comments come as more peerages were awarded to prominent Brexiteers and Tory donors. It follows an elevation to the House of Lords for cricketer Ian Botham, former Labour MPs Gisela Stuart and Kate Hoey, and ex-Brexit Party MEP Claire Fox.
He tweeted: “I was a mug for voting Remain. If I’d banged the drum for Brexit I might have been in the House of Lords by now, or had a multi-million pound contract for doing something at which I had no previous experience or demonstrable ability.”
I was a mug for voting Remain. If I'd banged the drum for Brexit I might have been in the House of Lords by now, or had a multi-million pound contract for doing something at which I had no previous experience or demonstrable ability.
— Brian Moore (@brianmoore666) December 22, 2020
His comments were praised by Twitter users for pointing out the chumocracy surrounding the Leave vote.
“The biggest problem about this tweet is that it’s true,” replied Robert Pugh.
“Don’t forget the unimpeachable right to bully underlings and the right to travel to Barnard Castle any time you want as well…” noted John McSeveney.
“And if you’d gone to Eton who knows what your job title would be!” said Nick Rogers.
“I can only assume you have a preexisting medical condition that stopped you. I think it’s called ‘integrity’,” replied Götz von Berlichingen.
“Any particular former England sporting great that brought this realisation to mind, Brian?” asked another.